Sunday, December 26, 2010

Tales of a snow filled day

I think it is safe to say that children, or at least mine, have absolutely no adversion to the cold. Adding up all the different times they decided to play in the snow, they were outside in 30 degree temps with snow and wind blowing for about 2 + hours.  Snowman made- sledding done- snowball fight had- etcc...

what a fun fun day! for the kids... I however have been freezing my tucus off and been eating myself out of the house!!!  Why Why Why do I have to eat when I am stuck at home?????????

Once my hubby gave me the okay to drive, which was not until after noon (which I was mad about because I wanted to be at the mall at 8 AM... remember, my black Friday was today).. however, I managed to scoot out during naptime for a few hours and that is when my fun began.  Have I mentioned that I love the mall?  Especially at Holiday time!!  Oh the red sale signs.... love love love! Got some great buys.. mostly for the kids, as usual, but bought myself some treats too. Hadn't purchased myself sweatpants since I was prego.. definitely needed a few new pairs.

Anyhow, took the kiddos over to my moms for a bit, since she refuses to drive in this weather (not that I blame her).  And we went out for our fav dinner.. SUSHI.  I think my son ate the most.. he really loves that stuff. I am proud.   Always nice to have Sunday night dinner with the fam, especially my mom.  We try to make that a ritual, but sometimes our busy schedules get in the away (hers and my kids).  I think we should make a New Year's resolution to reinstate Sunday night dinners.. and I would like to mandate a bi-weekly rotation between Sushi and Chinese. All in favor????


  1. in favor also...but cant you alternate so fla and charlotte every other sunday??????????????? not so fair!!!

  2. waiting with my tongue hanging out for the next blog....going through withdrawal......HELP!
